I adore the fact that dogs come in all shapes and sizes! I think its marvellous now that there are a vast array of canine sports which you can participate in, whatever breed of dog you have.
I am lucky enough to work with a vast array of canine athletes in all spheres from agility, tracking, working trials, flyball, sleg racing, beagle & greyhound racing & not forgetting the active family pet dog!
I have now introduced a 6 week targeted cross training program from a physiotherapists perspective. It is designed specifically for your individual dogs needs aimed directly at the canine athlete and keeping them in prime condition.
# Speed # Stamina # Strength # Suppleness

What can be included in a session:-
- Physiotherapy Assessment to determine any injuries, weak musculature or imbalances or postural issues.
- Slow motion video analysis to determine gait abnormalities
- Physiotherapy Treatment to correct any issues.
- Balance & strengthening exercises to help your dogs overall musculoskeletal well-being.
- A strategic programme designed for your dog to follow to improve your dogs fitness levels.
- Stretching & Range of Motion exercises.
The Canine Athlete Programme
6 week targeted cross training program designed specifically for your dogs needs.
3 Assessment appointments with a veterinary physiotherapist:
Week 1- Initial muscle assessment and individual program design.
Week 3 – Mid program muscle assessment and physiotherapy check up.
Week 6 – End of program assessment of muscle development & tone.

Outcome Aims
- Improved Performance.
- Increased fitness level.
- Reduced recovery rates.
- Greater stride length.
- An overall healthier, less injury prone canine athlete.
To book your dog into The Canine Athlete Programme:-
- Email lisavetphysio@gmail
- PM on Facebook – Lisa Cleeton Veterinary Physiotherapy
- Text/Call 07971 845492
Working with you to fit in with your dogs lifestyles.